ponedeljek, 8. september 2014

Michael Tellinger on Ubuntu philosophy

Zaradi Aktualnosti vsebine in bližnjega dogodka tokrat objavljamo gostujoči intervju v angleškem jeziku. Bil je narejen za Aktualno 2.0 s strani naše kolegice Andreje Cepuš. Predstavljamo vam izjemen koncept nove dobe, ki se kot virtualni virus širi iz Afrike na vse kontinente in je v mnogih državah že dobil tudi oprijemljive strukture. V razmislek in vpogled v nove možnosti!

Pozdrav, Violeta

Michael Tellinger is a scientist, explorer and internationally acclaimed author of numerous books, who has become an authority on the vanished civilisations of southern Africa and the origins of humankind. His research and discoveries of an advanced vanished civilisation in South Africa includes a diverse field of research and touches on human origins, spirituality, science & consciousness.

Michael’s work touches critical issues around the subject of Unity Consciousness. “The more we push the boundaries of science, the more we come to understand the universal mind – the creative source of all things in the multiverse and beyond. It seems that the knowledge we gain from quantum physics and space-time studies, brings us closer to understanding the true nature of reality, the meaning of the universe and our place in it as conscious beings.” He believes that quantum physics is a gift from the divine creator to allow humanity to find its way back to source – back to unity – from a deeply divided and manipulated species – not only on Earth but in the entire universe.

Photo: Michael Tellinger
Source: personal archive

Tellinger presents a model for a new social structure called CONTRIBUTIONISM – A World Without Money – based on the African philosophy of UBUNTU and proposes how we should move from a money-driven society to a society driven by people, their talents and their passion for life. Where everyone contributes their natural talents or acquired skills to the greatest benefit of all in their community – and money has no meaning.

He is also the founder of the UBUNTU LIBERATION MOVEMENT and the political party called UBUNTU Party, in South Africa – which contested the national elections in SA on the 7th May 2014.
You can find more about Michael Tellinger and his work here: http://michaeltellinger.com/
Since Michael is coming to Slovenia, Ljubljana on September (having the lecture in Cankarjev dom on September, 9th titled Megalithic Sites and Free Energy) is seemed like a nice opportunity to ask him a few questions before his arrival.
Povezava do celotnega intervjuja.

Kako lahko sodelujemo
Kje se lahko srečamo
  • Predstavitev knjige Sintropija, 12. september 2014, ob 18h, Atrij ZRC, Ljubljana
  • Naslednji BIN dogodek: BIN@SHEFFIELD, Velika Britanija, 3. - 5. november 2014

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